Becoming A Bartender

The qualifications for becoming a traveling bartender depend on the type of travel involved. Some jobs require a certificate from a bartending school, while others only need demonstrated knowledge of mixing drinks and extensive work experience. Lodge Renovations. How to Become a Bartender: Bartenders' Guide 2021 Understand the Reality of Becoming a Bartender. Let’s get some housekeeping stuff out of the way first. You're going to. Get Experience as a Barback. The easiest way to move into a bartending position, if you don’t have experience. After you get hired, it’s just patience and diligence. Ask the bartenders many questions about how things work and how they make the signature drinks while you’re working. This goes without saying but if you are not a good barback Then there is 0 chance of you becoming a bartender.

Ah, slingin' drinks. Giving the good folks a drop o’ the pure.

There’s something romantic about sliding some suds down to the day-weary travelers looking for a salve.

But bartenders do more than provide drinks. They’re our unofficial psychologists, healers, and masters of ceremonies. They’re also super-duper talented and can be paid quite well because of that. It’s no wonder people are drawn to the profession. But it can be a tough nut to crack.

That’s why we put together this guide. Follow the steps, and you’ll become a bartender. The steps aren’t in order, though. There is no official step-by-step process to become a bartender. But what we have here are all your potential avenues.

This bartenders guide will lay out the bartending 101 basics you need to get hired as a bartender. Or to improve your bartending if you’re already a working professional.

Understand the Reality of Becoming a Bartender

Let’s get some housekeeping stuff out of the way first. You're going to dedicate your precious time to learning how to become a bartender. Here’s what you can expect in terms of pay, age restrictions, and hours once you become a master mixologist.

How Much Do Bartenders Make?

The median annual pay reported by bartenders in the U.S. by the Bureau of Labor Statistics is $22,550. Whether or not that figure represents your future earnings as a bartender is open to discussion. The nature of tips and the different types of bars can change things.

So let’s discuss.

Becoming A Bartender

We know from experience that in busier bars, making $150-$200 a night in tips is considered a good night. Making $100-$150 is acceptable. We’ll work with those figures. These figures go up if you master how to upsell drinks as a bartender.

Let's take $150 as the average tips in a night (if things generally go well for you that year). We’ll multiply that by the amount of workdays in a year: 260. That’s $39,000 in pre-tax tips alone. Let’s now assume that you’re making the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour as your base pay. That’s another $15,080 pretax, which puts your total pretax earnings at $54,080.

Those earnings put you in a 22% federal tax bracket. To get a read on your bartender earnings, we need to factor in state and local taxes, which vary. So, we calculated the average state income tax for a single filer in the $54,080 tax bracket: 5.52%.

If a bartender claims 100% of their tips at a busy bar, they stand to make an average of $39,197 post-tax.

Taking home almost 40 Gs ain’t too shabby. And that’s just the average. There are absolutely bartenders who clear $100,000 a year. They exist, I’ve met them, they’re cool, and you can probably be like them if you try.


How Old Do You Have to Be to Bartend?

Much like state income tax, the minimum legal age required to tend bar varies by state. It’s the magic of living in a federal republic. Believe it or not, most states in the U.S. only require a minimum age of 18 to bartend in on-premises establishments. That means the alcohol being sold there is meant to be consumed there, not taken elsewhere.

Here is each state’s required minimum age to bartend:

The states that require a minimum age of 18 to bartend are Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

Those that require a minimum age of 19 to bartend are Arizona, Idaho, and Nebraska.

And the ones that require a minimum age of 21 to bartend are Alabama, Alaska, California, Delaware, DC, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming.

States that allow those under 21 to bartend typically require the young bartender be supervised by someone 21 or older. This information, like all laws, is subject to change so please check with the relevant municipality before making any decisions. See the full list here.

What Hours Do Bartenders Work?

For the busiest, most-profitable shifts, a bartender can expect to work evenings from about 4 p.m. to midnight.

Beginning bartenders will get the lower-traffic lunch and early-weekday evening shifts. Established bartenders get most of the evenings, especially the very lucrative Friday and Saturday nights.

If you’re bartending at a sports bar, however, Sunday lunch shifts will be huge. If you have a huge patio, great weather, and you’re on a popular street, days might be better than nights. Like most things in this guide, we’re taking a high-level look at general trends.

If that all sounds good to you, and you’re ready to embrace then you’re ready to move on.

Get Experience as a Barback

The easiest way to move into a bartending position, if you don’t have experience bartending, is to transition into it from the barback position. Barback responsibilities are perfectly suited to the transition to becoming a bartender. Barbacks learn:

  • All the bartender lingo and how to communicate behind the bar
  • How to move behind the bar, which can be tricky with some bar layouts
  • How to clean the bar from top to bottom
  • How to prepare and how to stock a bar, with both alcoholic and non-alcoholic inventory
  • To deal with basic customer requests
  • The right types of glassware, garnishes, and steps of service
  • The standard liquor bottle sizes and wine bottle sizes

As a barback, you’ll do everything a bartender does but mix drinks. You’ll often work off the bartender duties checklist. Even though you’ll pick up a lot of mixology wisdom just by watching bartenders do it, you’ll still need practice. Learning mixology, cocktail recipes, and cocktail creation are the most important things for a barback to learn to become a competitive bartender candidate.

Transition from Serving

Like the barback strategy, this approach utilizes existing relationships and related experience. Servers have one thing down pat that’s absolutely crucial to bartending: customer service. Drink pairing, menu knowledge, and ingredient knowledge are all old hat to a strong server.

The missing pieces, then, are non-theoretical mixology (i.e., making the drinks) and learning the layout of the bar. The latter is easily learned. Therefore, servers, focus on mixology and learning how to hit accurate pours. When the time comes, you’ll be as attractive a candidate for the new bartending position as any bartender out there.

Become a Master of the Pour

Knowing what goes in drinks is one thing. Accurately pouring liquor to create those drinks to hit your target pour costs is another. Which a liquor cost calculator can help with. Here are three ways to make sure your pouring is not costing the bar money.

Know Your Standard Pours

Every bar manager wants, first and foremost, bartenders that can quickly and accurately hit all manner of standard liquor pours. By not pouring too much, you save the bar money. By not pouring too little, you keep the guest experience consistent. If you’re comfortable with standard liquor pours and able to hit them every time you try, you’re a valuable bartender.

There are multiple pour volumes for different drinks and different liquors. Read the standard pour article linked to above and you’ll be on your way.

Learn Pour Counts and Free Pouring

There are, of course, jiggers. Jiggers allow bartenders to measure out pours exactly. But the problem with jiggers is that they’re slow. After you’re done pouring the liquor into the jigger, there’s a whole extra arm motion to dump the jigger in the glass or mixer. Any bartender in the weeds will tell you that jiggers are slow goings.

The alternative to jiggers is learning how to free pour. Free pouring is simply pouring straight from the bottle—usually with a pour spout for consistency. A bartender who can consistently hit standard pours by free pouring is worth their weight in gold. Because they’re accurate and fast.

A popular strategy for free pouring is utilizing pour counts. You can read more about pour counts and other strategies for practicing free pouring in the above linked to article.

Know How to Pour Wine

There’s a whole lot of serving wine at bars, especially restaurant bars. And especially wines by the glass. And with a new type of pour comes a new type of standard pour. Yes, the standard wine pour. Learn how to pour a perfect glass of wine and your bar manager will cherish you.

Like liquor pours, accurate wine pours help keep variance and pour costs down. That’s the reason for all of this standardization in the first place. If you can help your bar’s profit margin by pouring drinks quickly and to spec, then you’ll be a welcome part of the team.

Know Your Mixology

On to the fun stuff! Bartending is making drinks. Get good at it, and you’ll make some decent money. Here are the basic tools you’ll need, some information about primary spirit types, and a few collections of cocktail recipes you should know to make the most out of your well liquor.

Basic Bar Tools

Cocktail Strainer

A cocktail strainer is a metal bartending accessory that's used to strain ice out of a drink that's been shaken, stirred, or mixed in a shaker or a different glass. It's basically a metal sieve with a handle. There are two main types. The Hawthorne strainer, which is a disc with holes in it with a handle and two stabilizing prongs on each side and a metal spring around the edge. And the Julep strainer, which is shaped like a little bowl (with slits in it) with a handle. The Hawthorne is much more commonly used.


A common citrus peeler and zester to create twists and zests.

Bottle Opener

Your standard bottle opener for opening bottled beer.

Cocktail Spoon

A 30- or 40-centimeter long metal spoon, also called a bar spoon, that's used to mix, muddle, stir, and layer cocktails.


Becoming A Bartender And Mixing Drinks

An hourglass-shaped, two-sided metal measuring tool with a large side and a small side used to pour standard shot volume accurately. The large side is typically 1.5 ounces (the standard pour for a shot) while the smaller side is .75 ounces.


A standard corkscrew for opening wine. Ideally, a corkscrew with a folding knife in the handle.


A two- or three-piece metal device used to mix drinks by shaking them. There are three primary types of shakers. The Boston shaker is a two-piece with the mixing side and the bottom inserted into each other before shaking. Each side can be used separately for mixing, muddling, or stirring. A separate strainer is needed to use the Boston. The second is the Cobbler shaker, which is a three-piece shaker that's tapered at the end and has a built-in strainer on top. And finally the French shaker,a two-piece shaker with a metal bottom and a metal cap. Like the Boston, the French shaker requires the use of a separate strainer.

Know Your Liquor Types

You have to be intimately familiar with the six primary types of base liquor. They are brandy, rum, gin, tequila, vodka, and whiskey. They make up the vast majority of cocktail bases and neat orders. If you know their flavor profiles, pairing options, glassware, and common recipes, you'll be steps ahead of the game.

Cocktail Recipes

Drinks Every Bartender Should Know

Here’s a list of all the drinks every single bartender must know. We included the most common cocktails, the simplest cocktails, and the most classic cocktails. All together, they’re the cocktails that you’ll encounter again and again during a bartending shift. If you know them like the back of your hand, you’ll be doing great.

The Most Popular Cocktails

Here’s some data around the most popular cocktails in the U.S. It includes which cocktails are popular in which cities, what time of day certain cocktails are popular, and more. We definitely considered it while making our list of what cocktails a bartender should know. The post has a ton of useful, interesting information for bartenders and bartenders-to-be.

Seasonal Cocktails

Some cocktails are popular only during certain seasons. Whether that’s because of their ingredients or reputations, it is what it is! Some drinks are just better when the planet leans a certain way. Here are our list of the best summer cocktails, fall cocktails, winter cocktails, and spring cocktails.

If you have a collection of tasty seasonal cocktails recipes at the ready, you’ll be able to make amazing, unique recommendations to your guests. It’s a great upselling opportunity and a great customer experience. It's customer satisfaction in restaurant industry 101.

Go to Bartending School


Bartending school can be a massive springboard for the right people. You have to at least look into it. And you’ll have to weigh the pros and cons to decide if bartending school is worth it. Here’s an annotated version to get your thoughts flowing:

Becoming a bartender

Bartending School Pros:

You’ll Learn A Lot

This shouldn't be a surprise, but you'll learn a lot in bartending school. From setting up an entire bar for service, to customer psychology, liquor history, upselling, advanced mixology, inventory (like how many beers are in a keg), and more. If you're starting from square one, the amount and breadth of material in bartending courses will be great for you.

Bartending Experience

Like the above, if you've got no experience and you're having trouble getting your foot in the door, bartending school offers that experience. You'll spend days practicing bartender duties like nailing the perfect standard liquor pours, learning to handle customers, pours, and getting your hands dirty with real front-line mixology techniques.


This applies mostly to in-person bartending schools: you'll make friends. And once your graduating class starts getting hired, you'll all of a sudden know a bunch of bartenders. There is nothing as convenient for a prospective bartender than having a bunch of gainfully employed (and sympathetic) bartender friends to help you find a job.

Bartending Job Hunting Support

This may be one of the biggest benefits. Bartending school often provides post-graduate job assistance.

Bartending School Cons

Takes Time

It'll take about 40 hours of class time to graduate, and those hours are usually in the evening over the course of a few weeks. You'll be sacrificing 2-3 weeks of evenings.

Costs Money

In-person bartending school runs about $400 to $800, while online courses for bartending school are significantly cheaper: between $50 to $200.

Not Technically Required

We'll get into this below, but going to bartending school isn't required to get a bartending job. Bartending school's real value is exposing you to a huge amount of industry knowledge, giving you a chance to practice, and supporting you with networking and job assistance. If any certificate or licensure is needed to legally bartend in your area, it's often easy to get online for much cheaper than the cost of bartending school.

Get a Bartending License

Many cities, states, or counties require certificates or permits to bartend, but there isn't an official bartending license in the U.S. You’ll have to check your local laws to see what’s required. That said, even if it’s not required, it could make you a more competitive candidate for a bartending position.

Google like crazy, do your research, and find out exactly what's required and offered in your area. You’ll often find that you don’t have to go to a bartending school to get a bartending permit. You’re usually able to get any required local certificate or permit on your own through the issuing agency for much less money than attending bartending school. Some are online and take only hours to complete. Then you’ll have a nice new line to put on your resume.

But if you do go to a school, don't assume they’ll provide everything you need to get a bartending job—like local permits or certificates. They usually do, but double check.

That’s How to Become a Bartender

All of the steps in this bartender’s guide should help you learn how to become a bartender. As we said at the beginning, it’s not a step-by-step process. But, over the years, talking to and working with thousands of bartenders, we got a feel for how it’s done. Any one of the ideas in this article can be the route you successfully use to become a bartender.

And once you get that sweet bartending gig, you’ll recognize quickly what makes a shift smooth and what doesn’t. And one of those things is managing your bar inventory with a bar inventory app.

Liquor inventory software like BinWise Pro will streamline your bar inventory and save everyone in the building hours, which gives bartenders more time to do what they’re best at: healing our psychological wounds.

The key to becoming a bartender and landing a lucrative position is to get yourself an entry level job where you can work with, learn from and assist a working bartender. By working as a journeyman in the industry, you can learn on the job while getting a paycheck. You should supplement your experience with a formal bartending school and other learning resources. Direct service industry experience still remains the best way to get real world experience and start building up knowledge. Read on for more tips on how to get started in this industry without having any prior experience.

1. Get a License or Permit

A license isn’t required in all states, but if you’re competing for a position against other candidates, having a license can give you the edge you need to get hired. In addition to meeting state or local requirements, a bartender license course will ensure that you’re familiar with the following topics:

  • Knowledge of laws and penalties regarding minors
  • Identifying the stages of intoxication in customers
  • How to handle and prevent disturbances

Online bartending certification is easy to find with a quick internet search, but make sure the course is state-approved. To pass the course, you’ll need to complete training and successfully pass a test to show that you have an understanding of the material. It’s also important to note that a bartending license doesn’t guarantee employment. You’ll still need to earn the position by being the best candidate for the job.

In the State of Louisiana, you will need to be registered and certified by the Louisiana Alcohol and Tobacco Control (ATC) Their program certification is called the Responsible Vendor or RV Card. Many refer to this as a “bar card” and it is a certification that is required for anyone serving alcohol or tobacco in Louisiana, and is valid for four years. ABSEC LLC offers is an authorized provider for the Louisiana Responsible Vendor program. You can get your certification in a few hours on your cell phone or other browser.

You can get your ATC Permit online from ABSEC by enrolling in and completing the Responsible Vendor Certification class online.

The most common advice you’ll hear from actual bartenders is that you should start out as a barback if you want learn how to be a bartender. The barback position requires no experience, only a willingness to work hard. As a barback you’ll be expected to do most of the manual work behind the bar, like cleaning, restocking, and a lot of heavy-lifting. The barback is essentially the bartender’s assistant, which puts you in a great position to learn and observe.

Working as a barback isn’t easy, but it provides a lot of benefits. If you’re someone who has never worked in the bar or foodservice industries, you’ll gain an understanding of how everyday operations work. Pay attention to what goes on around you and you can gain some useful knowledge:

  • As you stock beer and liquor for the bar, make a point to learn the different brand names
  • Watch the bartender as they make cocktails and make note of the most popular drinks
  • Get comfortable behind the bar and helping with customer requests
  • Memorize bartending terms like straight up and on the rocks
  • Learn when to prepare for the busy rushes and stock up accordingly
  • Become familiar with the different types of barware and garnishes.
  • Provide support for your bartenders and in return they may teach you how to bartend

If a barback position is not available, you can still get great exposure and experience by serving in another capacity. Bouncers, wait staff and other team members will still regularly interact with bar staff and customers alike. This experience is invaluable in teaching you the inner workings of the alcohol service industry.

Starting as a barback isn’t the only way to get behind the bar. You could also start out as a hostess or server in a restaurant with a bar and work your way up. Restaurants that sell alcohol often have openings for bartenders and they will promote from within, especially if you’ve proven yourself to be an efficient and capable server. Another benefit of getting your feet wet at a restaurant bar is that restaurant chains usually have stringent training programs and they will train you to mix drinks to their standard.

Becoming A Bartender

Becoming A Bartender In Texas

Bars in restaurant chains are often smaller than and not as busy as the bars in lounges, nightclubs, or taprooms. They provide a gentler environment in which you can practice your skills and get experience under your belt. The hours are also different, as many restaurant bars don’t operate as late as other bars. You won’t find as much opportunity to experiment with cocktails, but a restaurant chain might be the stepping stone you need before branching out to a trendier locale.

As you seek employment in restaurants and bars, be on the lookout for a bartender who is willing to take you under their wing. If you’re starting out as a barback, here are some tips to help you:

  • Always treat your bartenders with respect
  • Anticipate their needs and keep the bar stocked at all times
  • Don’t bombard them with questions during busy hours
  • Wait for the calm moments to strike up a conversation
  • Look for the bartender who is willing to share their knowledge

As a server, the more time you spend around the bar, the more likely you are to find a mentor. Follow these tips:

  • Offer help to your bartenders whenever possible
  • Retrieve any items they need from the kitchen or storage
  • Run food orders out to customers at the bar
  • Keep the bar top clear by delivering any drinks that have been prepared for servers
  • Always make sure to tip your bartenders fairly and generously for any drinks they’ve made for you

5. Learn How to Pour Drinks

Anyone can pour rum and coke into a glass and call it a cocktail. If you want to become a good bartender, you need to learn how to pour correctly so you achieve balance between the liquor and the mixers. Invest in some bartending tools and start practicing your pours at home.

If you’ve already followed the previous steps in this article and have spent some time watching a bartender, you’ll be familiar with an important tool of the trade, the jigger. Jiggers are small cocktail measuring tools that allow you to control the amount of liquor you’re pouring. With practice, you may be able to skip using a jigger and free pour instead. Free pouring is the art of pouring liquor using a silent count. With either pouring method, accurate pours are essential for a couple reasons:

  • The right amount of alcohol yields a balanced drink that tastes great
  • Every time you over pour, you cost the bar money
  • Good pouring technique makes you more efficient at mixing drinks

When you’ve mastered the art of pouring, try experimenting by making your own cocktails. You can start out by practicing with standard well drink recipes like gin and tonics or screwdrivers and work your way up to more complicated cocktails that have multiple mixers. Learn about cocktail ingredients like bitters and syrups and how they change the taste of your drinks.

Not every bartender has to be a mixologist, but it does help to have an understanding of how to build cocktails. Through this process you might find that your interests are more geared towards the craft of mixing drinks, rather than serving customers.

Your bartending skills won’t develop overnight. You’ll have to spend many hours and many shifts working at your barback position before you gain the trust of the bartender and bar manager. One of the most important things you can do is make sure they know you’re available for whatever they need you to do. Before you know it, the bartender might feel comfortable stepping outside for a break and asking you to step in while they’re gone. Always be ready for those types of opportunities. The more useful you can make yourself, the better.

Bartending School might seem like a fast track plan to achieving your goal, but you’ll still most likely need real world experience before a bar manager will take a chance on you. You can learn many things in bartending school, like how to pour and how to practice mixology, but you can’t learn how to handle a tough crowd of thirsty customers.

How To Get Your Bartending License

Working behind the bar requires the ability to multitask and perform well under pressure. In bartending school you might learn how to make the perfect martini, but in the real world you’ll have to make several different drinks at the same time, tend to your customers, and keep your bar area clean, all while wearing a smile.

Becoming A Bartender Reddit

Becoming a bartender isn’t an easy road. When you first start out, you’ll have to be humble. Beginning as a barback and learning from a mentor are two things you can do that require no experience. If you’re willing to learn and work hard, you’ll see your dream come true more quickly.