
I’ve never even thought of using Twitter until the 15 August 2017 when I was asked to create a Twitter account and have my audience grow by 100 on the 15 October 2017. It was quite a journey for me as I’ve never used this social platform before.

What is Twitter and how does it help future journalists? More importantly,how did it help me? A reporter’s challenge in covering news has always been to try to find people who witnessed the event or were affected by it. By using Twitter’s advanced search feature, you can quickly find and connect with these people for interviews or for quoting their tweets in your stories.

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Public figures and organizations in my community use Twitter to announce news, express views and respond to people in the community. Any of these expressions can be deemed as newsworthy.

  1. Brilio.net - Twitter saat ini tengah menjadi salah satu jejaring sosial yang kekinian bagi anak muda di Indonesia.Kamu juga pasti pernah melihat spam auto followers di Twitter temanmu seperti gambar di atas.
  2. Fllwrs.com is ranked #144,863 among millions of websites according to Alexa rank. An Alexa rank higher than 0 and less than 500,000 means the site has a good amount of traffic. The more Alexa rank is low (but 0) the more the website is popular.

Crowd Sourcing – if you have developed a substantial following of people who share your interests and if you engage them in your conversation, your followers can provide quick answers to your questions and help you find sources quickly for stories.

If you don’t have many followers, or if your followers don’t know the answers you’re searching for, Twitter can still help you find sources. Use the advanced search function to search for people in your community using keywords that might show interest in the topic you’re reporting on. Or check a hashtag related to the topic you’re working on.

One of the BIGGEST challenges I deal with on Twitter is reading certain commentary and criticism on my tweets. In most cases they end up being Internet trolls that you should just ignore however,the helpful criticism makes you a better journalist and your thankful response builds a valuable connection, not just with the person criticizing you but with others who notice and appreciate your content and what you have to say.

A few tips that I can personally provide you with when wanting to grow your Twitter Audience would be to:

No one likes a serious person. I gained no followers when trying to be professional and share a whole lot of news articles but as soon as you unapologetically tweet as yourself I was getting up to 30 followers a week. (Being yourself ain’t always a bad thing)

The Follow Coin Value in different fiat currencies is aggregated (and averaged) value from top Follow Coin Exchanges world wide. The price of Follow Coin is highly volatile. The value of Follow Coin has change 9.998% in last 24 hours. 1,635 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from ‘fllwrs’ hashtag. The Calla Lily is associated with faith and purity. For this reason, religious figures like the Virgin Mary are often depicted holding a bouquet of calla lilies. Calla lilies are also often associated with sympathy and rebirth, making them a popular flower at sympathy occasions.

Find and follow relevant people

Make sure you’re using a photo of your face for your personal account.( You really don’t want people to think you’re a troll,now do you?)

You’ve got 160 characters to use in your bio so get creative! Let people know exactly why they should be following you.

Make sure you’re using a app called Fllwrsthat’s been around since 2011. The app checks for changes in your Twitter followers over time and it records followers that have been added or lost.

What started has a platform for an assignment due to my Journalism course has now turned into an obsession. Whether it’s a simple tweet or reading other tweets for my entertainment, I’m invested with turning my 233 followers into 1000 by the end of the year. Watch this space.



  • Using Twitter
    • Tweets
  • Managing your account
    • Login and password
  • Safety and security
    • Security and hacked accounts
  • Rules and policies
    • Twitter Rules and policies

There are so many good conversations happening on Twitter, it may be hard to find what’s most relevant to you from time to time. That’s where Topics can help.

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From your profile menu, on your Home timeline, and in search results, you’ll see prompts to follow various Topics. Simply follow the Topic and we'll personalize your Twitter experience with relevant Tweets, events, and ads. We may also match you with other Topics that we think you are interested in based on your profile and activity, such as the Tweets you view or like.

There are numerous Topics across many categories on Twitter to follow through the Topic browser. We’re working hard to add new Topics almost each week. How do we choose which Topics to offer? They’re based on the volume and health of conversations happening on Twitter. For volume, we look at how much people are Tweeting, Retweeting, replying, and liking Tweets about that Topic.

We want Topics on Twitter to reflect the broader, lasting conversations people have about the events, people, and things they discuss. So we use machine learning to find related Tweets from these conversations. This could mean they Tweet a lot about the Topic or interact a lot with Tweets about the Topic. From there, we find the Tweets that are most interesting to those people, using algorithms, keywords, and additional signals.

We’ve implemented a number of protections to help keep conversations included in a Topic healthy and free from abuse –– including working to not recommend Tweets for a Topic if the engagement is manipulated or spammy.

  • Topics you follow are public. Anyone who can see your full profile can view the Topics you follow. If your Tweets are protected, only your followers will be able to see your Topics. To protect your Tweets, go to your Privacy and safety settings and select Protect your Tweets.

  • You’re in control. Just like with accounts you follow, you can unfollow Topics at any time. We may still occasionally recommend Tweets about a particular Topic, for example, if you continue to like, Tweet, or Retweet about it. When you unfollow a Topic, we will no longer suggest content based on the fact that you followed that Topic.
  • Tell us when you’re not interested. We strive to constantly improve your Topics experience and the suggestions we show you. We’ve made it easier for you to indicate when you’re not interested in a Topic we might suggest for you within your Home timeline and Explore tab. Simply tap the Not Interested selection in the suggested Topic prompt.
  • How to detach your account from certain interests. You can always opt-out of interests by visiting Interests from Twitter in Your Twitter data. We won’t use that Topic to personalize your experience on Twitter, and we will not recommend it as one you can follow in the future, unless you specifically search for it. Please note that these changes can take some time to take effect across our systems, and you may still see content about a Topic due to other reasons such as following someone who is talking about it.
  • We take the time to test. As we continue to build new Topics, including Topics that may involve more complex subjects and interests, we may take a cautious approach by only featuring a limited amount of accounts to start before adding more over time. We do this to test out the Topic and adjust our systems so we’re serving you the most interesting, healthy Tweets. If you are featured in a Topic, you can opt-out by following the instructions below.

How to follow a Topic

From your Home timeline:

  1. While scrolling through your Home timeline, we may suggest a Topic for you to follow.
  2. Tap the Follow button next to the suggested Topic to follow.

From your Topics menu:

  1. Go to More and tap on More.

  2. A popup with options will appear.

  3. Click on Topics.

  4. If you are following any Topics, they will appear here. You can select to follow more by clicking the Follow button.

  5. If you are not interested, you can select the button and those Topics will appear in the Not Interested category of Topics. You can always choose to follow these Topics if you change your mind.

How to unfollow a Topic

From your Home timeline:

  1. In your Home timeline, navigate to a Tweet about a Topic you’re currently following.
  2. Tap the icon from the top of the Tweet and select Unfollow.

From your Topics:

  1. Tap Topics in your profile icon menu.
  2. Tap Unfollow next to the topic.

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Note: Up to 100 of your followed Topics are visible at a time in your Topics menu. To see all your followed Topics, and those we think you are interested in based on your activity and profile, visit Your Twitter data.

How to detach your account from certain interests

On the Twitter for iOS and Android app:

  1. Go to Settings and privacy in your profile icon menu, and then tap Account.
  2. Below the Data and permissions section, tap Your Twitter data.
  3. Enter your password and tap Confirm.
  4. From the Your Twitter data screen, tap Interests and ads data.
  5. Tap Interests from Twitter.
  6. Deselect any Interests you’d like to opt out of.

On twitter.com

  1. Go to Interests from Twitter in Your Twitter data.
  2. Deselect any Interests you’d like to opt out of.

How to opt-out of being featured in a Topic

On twitter.com

  1. Go to Interests from Twitter in Your Twitter data.
  2. Click the Known For tab at the top.
  3. Deselect any Topics you do not want to be Known For.

How to see the Topics someone follows

You have the option to see the Topics that someone else is following. You’re able to view their Topics if their Tweets are public, or if their Tweets are protected and you've been approved as a follower.

On the Twitter for iOS and Android app, and twitter.com:

  1. Go to their profile.
  2. Click or tap the more menu at the top of their profile page.
  3. Select View Topics.

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