Visual Studio Osx

Hi OrchestraMusic, Welcome to the MSDN forum. Now we have two Visual Studio versions (Visual Studio for Mac, Visual Studio Code) that can directly install on the Mac (macOS), refer to your description, it looks like you installed the Visual Studio for Mac, it is a developer environment optimized for building mobile and cloud apps with Xamarin and.NET. Hi VS Support team! I'd like to know if there is any previous version of the Visual Studio Code for Mac OsX 10.7.5 (Lion). I've tried the latest version available on the VS Code website, it didn't work though.

When consulting this documentation, you can see keyboard shortcuts for the keymap that you use — choose it with the selector at the top of the page:

Build your next game or real-time 3D Unity application with Visual Studio for Mac’s best-in-class debugger, C# support, and productivity tools. Download the Visual Studio for Mac IDE for Unity today. As I am already using VS Code IDE, I’m thinking of using it for Python programming. Here, I will share with you the steps I took for setting up Visual Studio Code for Python on macOS. Tools & Technologies Used. MacOS Mojave (10.14.5) Visual Studio Code (1.36.0) Python (3.7.3) Steps For Setting Up VS Code For Python Prerequisites. Add a command to Finder services in Mac OSX to open a folder in VS Code - Mac OS X: Open in Visual Studio Code.

JetBrains Rider's top keyboard shortcuts

Search EverywhereDouble Shift
Find Action...Ctrl+Shift+A
Open Solution or Project...Ctrl+Shift+O
Open File or Folder...Ctrl+O
Show Intention ActionsAlt+Enter
Navigate To...Alt+`
Recent FilesCtrl+Comma
Find UsagesShift+F12
Select In...Alt+F1
Build SolutionCtrl+Shift+B
View Breakpoints...Ctrl+Alt+B
Attach to Process...Ctrl+Alt+P
VCS Operations Popup...Ctrl+Alt+Q
Refactor This...Ctrl+Shift+R
Inspect This...Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A
Reformat CodeCtrl+Alt+Enter
Code Cleanup...Ctrl+E, C

Basic editing

Paste as Plain TextCtrl+Alt+Shift+V
Paste from History...Ctrl+Shift+V
Paste from History...Ctrl+Shift+V
Duplicate Line or SelectionCtrl+D
Copy PathsCtrl+Shift+C
Copy ReferenceCtrl+Alt+Shift+C
Save AllCtrl+Shift+S
Indent SelectionTab
Unindent Line or SelectionShift+Tab
Start New LineShift+Enter
Start New Line Before CurrentCtrl+Enter
Delete LineCtrl+Shift+L
Toggle CaseCtrl+Shift+U
Scratch FileCtrl+Alt+Shift+Insert
Open source in new windowShift+F4
Show WhitespacesCtrl+R, W
Soft-WrapCtrl+E, W

Caret navigation

Move Caret to Previous WordCtrl+Left
Move Caret to Next WordCtrl+Right
Move Caret to Line StartHome
Move Caret to Line EndEnd
Containing DeclarationCtrl+[
Move Caret to Matching BraceCtrl+]
Move Caret to Code Block StartAlt+Shift+[
Move Caret to Code Block EndAlt+Shift+]
Next MethodAlt+Down
Previous MethodAlt+Up
Move Caret to Page TopCtrl+Page Up
Move Caret to Page BottomCtrl+Page Down
Page UpPage Up
Page DownPage Down
Move Caret to Text StartCtrl+Home
Move Caret to Text EndCtrl+End

Select text

Select AllCtrl+A
Left with SelectionShift+Left
Right with SelectionShift+Right
Move Caret to Previous Word with SelectionCtrl+Shift+Left
Move Caret to Next Word with SelectionCtrl+Shift+Right
Move Caret to Line Start with SelectionShift+Home
Move Caret to Line End with SelectionShift+End
Up with SelectionShift+Up
Down with SelectionShift+Down
Select Containing DeclarationCtrl+Shift+[
Move Caret to Code Block Start with SelectionCtrl+Alt+Shift+[
Move Caret to Code Block End with SelectionCtrl+Alt+Shift+]
Move Caret to Page Top with SelectionCtrl+Shift+Page Up
Move Caret to Page Bottom with SelectionCtrl+Shift+Page Down
Page Up with SelectionShift+Page Up
Page Down with SelectionShift+Page Down
Move Caret to Text Start with SelectionCtrl+Shift+Home
Move Caret to Text End with SelectionCtrl+Shift+End
Extend SelectionCtrl+Alt+Right
Shrink SelectionCtrl+Alt+Left
Add Selection for Next OccurrenceAlt+Shift+.

Coding assistance

Show Intention ActionsAlt+Enter
Basic CompletionCtrl+Space
Smart CompletionCtrl+Alt+Space
Second Basic CompletionAlt+Shift+Space
Complete Current StatementCtrl+Shift+Enter
Reformat CodeCtrl+Alt+Enter
Parameter InfoCtrl+Shift+Space
Quick DocumentationCtrl+Shift+F1
Move Statement UpCtrl+Alt+Shift+Up
Move Statement DownCtrl+Alt+Shift+Down
Move Element LeftCtrl+Alt+Shift+Left
Move Statement RightCtrl+Alt+Shift+Right
Move Line UpN/A
Move Line DownN/A
Comment with Line CommentCtrl+Alt+/
Comment with Block CommentCtrl+Shift+/
Code Cleanup...Ctrl+E, C
Silent Code CleanupCtrl+E, F

Context navigation

Next MethodAlt+Down
Previous MethodAlt+Up
Go to Line/Column...Ctrl+G
Select In...Alt+F1
Locate/Select in Solution ViewAlt+Shift+L
Recent FilesCtrl+Comma
Recently Changed FilesCtrl+Shift+Comma
Last Edit LocationCtrl+Shift+Backspace
Select Next TabAlt+Right
Select Previous TabAlt+Left
Show BookmarksCtrl+`
Toggle BookmarkCtrl+K, K
Toggle Bookmark with MnemonicCtrl+F11
Add to FavoritesAlt+Shift+F
Show Favorites windowAlt+2
Show Structure windowCtrl+Alt+F
Show Find windowAlt+3

Find everything

Visual studio for mac os x
Search EverywhereDouble Shift
Find Next / Move to Next OccurrenceF3
Find Previous / Move to Previous OccurrenceShift+F3
Find in Files...Ctrl+Shift+F
Replace in Files...Ctrl+Shift+H
Next Occurrence of the Word at CaretCtrl+F3
Go to File...Ctrl+Shift+T
File MemberAlt+
Go to Symbol...Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T
Find Action...Ctrl+Shift+A

Navigate from symbols

Navigate To...Alt+`
Find UsagesShift+F12
Go to Declaration or UsagesF12
Go to Type DeclarationCtrl+Shift+F11
Show UsagesAlt+Shift+F12
Go to Super MethodAlt+Home
Go to Implementation(s)Ctrl+F12
Go to Super Derived SymbolsAlt+End
Highlight Usages in FileAlt+Shift+F11

Code analysis

Show Intention ActionsAlt+Enter
Next Code IssueAlt+Page Down
Previous Code IssueAlt+Page Up
Next ErrorAlt+Shift+Page Down
Previous ErrorAlt+Shift+Page Up
Toggle Code InspectionCtrl+Alt+Shift+8
Run Inspection by Name...Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I
Inspect This...Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A
Show Errors in Solution windowCtrl+Alt+2
Show Inspection Results windowCtrl+Alt+4

Build, Run, Debug

NuGet Quick ListAlt+Shift+N
Build SolutionCtrl+Shift+B
Build Current ProjectCtrl+Shift+F7
Cancel BuildCtrl+F9
Run context configurationCtrl+F5
Debug context configurationAlt+F5
Attach to Process...Ctrl+Alt+P
Resume ProgramF5
Stop Background Processes...Ctrl+Shift+F2
Step OverF10
Force Step OverAlt+Shift+F8
Step IntoF11
Smart Step IntoShift+F7
Force Step IntoAlt+F11
Step OutShift+F11
Run To CursorCtrl+F10
Force Run To CursorCtrl+Alt+F9
Skip to CursorCtrl+Shift+F10
Show Execution PointAlt+NumPad *
Evaluate Expression...Shift+F9
Quick Evaluate ExpressionCtrl+Alt+F8
Toggle Line BreakpointF9
Toggle Temporary Line BreakpointCtrl+Alt+Shift+F8
Toggle Breakpoint EnabledCtrl+F9
View Breakpoints...Ctrl+Alt+B
Edit BreakpointAlt+F9
Show Build windowAlt+0
Show Run windowAlt+4
Show Debug windowAlt+5
Show NuGet windowAlt+7

Visual Studio On Mac


Refactor This...Ctrl+Shift+R
Rename...Ctrl+R, R
Change Signature...Ctrl+R, S
Inline...Ctrl+R, I
Move...Ctrl+R, O
Extract Method...Ctrl+R, M
Introduce Field...Ctrl+R, F
Introduce Parameter...Ctrl+R, P
Introduce Variable...Ctrl+R, V
Safe Delete...Ctrl+R, D

Global VCS actions

VCS Operations Popup...Ctrl+Alt+Q
Update ProjectCtrl+Alt+W
Next ChangeCtrl+Alt+Shift+N
Previous ChangeCtrl+Alt+Shift+P
Show Version Control windowAlt+9
Show Commit windowN/A
Visual Studio Osx

Visual Studio Osx Free

Unit Testing

Unit Testing Quick List...Alt+Shift+U
Run Unit TestsCtrl+U, R
Debug Unit TestsCtrl+U, D
Stop ExecutionCtrl+U, S
Repeat Previous RunCtrl+U, U
Rerun Failed TestsCtrl+U, F
Run Tests Until FailureCtrl+U, W
Run All Tests from SolutionCtrl+U, L
Create New SessionCtrl+U, N
Append Tests to SessionCtrl+U, A
Run Current SessionCtrl+U, Y
Run Unit Tests under dotMemory UnitCtrl+U, M
Run Selected TestsShift+Enter
Debug Selected TestsCtrl+D
Run Current Session (Tool Window)Ctrl+Y
Create New Session (Tool Window)Alt+Shift+Insert
Append Tests to Session (Tool Window)Ctrl+Alt+Insert
Remove Selected Tests (Tool Window)Delete
Run All Tests from Solution (Tool Window)Ctrl+L
Show Unit Tests windowAlt+8
VisualVisual studio osx download

Tool Windows

Hide Active Tool WindowShift+Escape
Hide All Tool WindowsCtrl+Shift+F12
Jump to Last Tool WindowCtrl+Alt+Backspace
Show Solution windowCtrl+Alt+L
Show Favorites windowAlt+2
Show Find windowAlt+3
Show Run windowAlt+4
Show Debug windowAlt+5
Show Structure windowCtrl+Alt+F
Show Services windowN/A
Show Version Control windowAlt+9
Show Commit windowN/A
Show Build windowAlt+0
Show Errors in Solution windowCtrl+Alt+2
Show Inspection Results windowCtrl+Alt+4
Show NuGet windowAlt+7
Show Unit Tests windowAlt+8
Show Terminal windowCtrl+Alt+1
Show Database windowCtrl+Alt+3